Maps/ drawing data conversion
Conversion of paper maps
- Thematic maps
- Cadastral maps
- Base maps
Conversion of drawings
- Engineering drawings
- Architectural drawings
By scanning and vectorisation into CAD/GIS formats like
- Shape files (*.shp)
- Drawing files (*.dwg, *.dxf)
- Exchange files (*.E00 )
- Arc Info coverages
- Erdas Imagine files (*.img)
- Geotiff files (*.tif)
- JPEG files (*.jpg)
Digital Database Creation
Preparation of maps in
Arc Info Format with projection systems. Point, Line and Polygon
coverages with topology. Attribute linking and external data attachment.
Mosaicing and edgematching to produce seamless maps. Preparation of
thematic maps Large Format Printing.
- GIS Services
- Remote Sensing Applications
- Hydrogeology and Watershed Management
- DGPS Survey
- Onsite Services
- Web Based GIS Development
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