GIS Software Devel..

Development and Customization of GIS Software. Customer can run GIS application and analyze data without prior knowledge of GIS software.We work mainly on open source softwares. This helps customer to expand their project and future without adding to licensing cost.

Town Planning & Ur..

Remote Sensing application are crucial to Town planning and Urban Development projects. In rapidly changing sprawl of cites latest base maps are prepared using high resolution satellite images. Development plans are worked out on this inputs.

Natural Resource M..

Natural resources like Forests, Grass lands, Wet lands, Mangroves etc. are important from economic as well as environmental point of view. Remote Sensing based natural resources survey gives quick, qualitative, quantitative and aerial spread of resource.

Land Use Mapping

Land being scarce resource, its utilization is important to development of industries and cities. Environmental agencies like MoEF, pollution control boards are monitoring general environment of study area using land use mapping.

Time series Analys..

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer nec Vivamus. Curabitu laoreet nisl lorem pellentesque amet eget.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer nec Vivamus. Curabitu laoreet nisl lorem pellentesque amet eget.